1. What are three things I’m grateful for today, and why?
2. What are some of my biggest dreams? What steps can I take to get closer to them?
3. What limiting beliefs do I hold about myself? How can I start to reframe or challenge them?
4. What values are most important to me? How do I honor these values in my daily life?
5. What does a fulfilling life look like to me? Describe it in detail.
6. What is one habit I would like to start, and why? How will it positively impact my life?
7. When do I feel the most at peace? What about these moments makes me feel calm and centered?
8. What would I tell my younger self? What advice would I give, and what encouragement would I offer?
9. How do I handle setbacks and challenges? What could I do to approach them with more resilience?
10. Who inspires me and why? What qualities in them would I like to cultivate in myself?
11. What are three things I love about myself? How do these traits help me in life?
12. What have been the biggest lessons I’ve learned in the past year?
13. What do I want my legacy to be? How would I like people to remember me?
14. What relationships in my life bring me joy and fulfillment? Are there any I need to distance myself from?
15. What does self-care mean to me? How can I incorporate more of it into my routine?
16. What are three positive affirmations I can start using daily?
17. What am I most passionate about? How can I incorporate more of this into my life?
18. If I could eliminate one fear that’s holding me back, what would it be? What would my life look like without it?
19. What small accomplishments am I proud of this week? Why do they matter to me?
20. What do I want to learn or explore next? How can I take the first steps toward this goal?