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Enhanced Care Manage­ment

Service coordination and referrals for those who are homeless, leaving jail/prison, in need of mental health or substance abuse treatment or frequently use emergency rooms or hospitals.

We Can Help You With

  • Assistance with housing and access to housing providers
  • Referrals to mental health and medical providers
  • Transportation Assistance and referrals
  • Referrals to legal, immigration, and other providers
  • Help with medical equipment, including vouchers for free glasses
  • Completion of IHSS applications and other caregiving providers
  • Resources for free smartphone and other needed devices
  • Referrals to providers (meals on wheels) for food delivery services
An ACW resident having a therapy session with an ACW employee

Your Dedicated Staff​​

Our certified staff and onsite specialists provide critical support, education and accountability through your treatment. Their tireless dedication to women in recovery is a source of inspiration for perseverance for all.

"ACW Outpatient Services taught me that my behaviors have impacted other people. I am learning to be sober not only physically but emotionally too. I am putting my past, in my past. I am building tools for a positive future."

Maria | Outpatient Alumna

Transform your life today.

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