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Our Mission

To empower women to make new choices for positive futures.

Over 15,000 women have started their recovery journey with ACW’s life-changing programs.

Throughout our half century of dedication, we‘ve saved the lives of countless individuals on our mission is to empower women to make new choices for positive futures.

Certified, Accredited & Awarded

We are a fully certified (3.1+3.5 & 2.1+1.0) behavioral health care center committed to saving the lives of women fighting addiction. Our staff works tirelessly to keep pace with the latest treatment methods and certifications. Our international CARF accreditation acknowledges our ability to operate a nonprofit at the highest level for behavioral healthcare organizations.

CARF Accreditation Logo
Theravive Top Pick Logo
Best Rehab Facilities in LA logo Award for Best Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Inglewood
CAADPE Member Logo

"Day in and day out at ACW we live out our mission and that is only made possible by our dedicated staff, compassionate supporters, and expert leadership."

Lorette Herman | Executive Director

Meet the Board of Directors

A mural at the ACW Residential Home that shows the Alcoholism prayer. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Annual Reports



FEB. 2025



Join us as we transform lives.

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